Issue #12 - February 5, 1996


  • Patrick Joly


Feb. 5, 1996. 8 pgs. Glendon recognizes Black History Month; Parti Quebecois leader Lucien Bouchard projects to drastically reduce spending by $500 million. Contributers: Jon Barnes, Stu Clark, Serge Crespy, Mike Fellin, Bill Greaves, Anup Grewal, Kersten Colmar Kindt, Pierre Naud, Emily Pohl-Weary, Deborah Senior, Stephanie Sleightholm, Jawad Squalli Editor-in-Chief: Patrick Joly Assistant Editors: Suzanne Hinks, Robert Goldkind, Julie Gauvin Arts Editor: Nathalie-Roze Fischer Sports Editor: (open) Features Editor: Tanya Marissen Fiction and Poetry Editor: Michael F. Jursic Photography Editor: Jane Gorley, John Wilson Production: Andreia Bandeira, teresa Finik, John Gazo Typesetters: Lisa Walker Advertising Manager: David Sproull Distribution Manager: Robert Goldkind Revisions: Marie-Eve Blais Article titles: Black History Month: white history year Is Bouchard the next budget slashing Premier? Glendon campus under student occupation Editorial: tyranny of a majority Rantings and ravings Monde: Lueur d'espoir au Soudan Student and labour groups don't like cabinet shuffle Shots in the dark Chairs fail to challenge principal Etes-vous victime du "winter blues"? Amway or scamway? A production with heart Progres et regression True grit: leafs acquire new members Observations of a "gym rat" Poetry and fiction





