Issue #1 - September 26, 1963
Sept. 26, 1963. 5pgs. Contributors: Carol Whalen, Liz Walker, Marion Fry, Tina Paar, S. Howard Kaplan, Ian Sone, Dean Tudor, John Panter Editors: F. Gorbet, G.H. Rust-D'Eye Circulation: Lillian Hale Printing: Mary Lynne Arneson Proofreading: Errol Reid, Carrole Waye, Gord Andrews Columnists: Errol Reid, Dave Bell Typists: Wendy Ockenden, Ann Clutterbuck Art: Linda Pelletterio Cartoons by Base The Birds Wanted A plea for pawn pushers B'nai b'rith beginning Fore!!!!!!!! The choosing of extra curricular activites The poet's corner Projecting Y.U.F.S. When aardvarks are earth pigs by Tina Paar Day one--year one by Liz Walker and Marian Fry Kult ur kampf by Errol Reid Student council report Bell's bullpen Le bonnet rouge Field house progress reportTéléchargements