Issue #13 - December 2, 1970


  • Andy Michalski


Dec. 2, 1970. 8 pgs. Cans editor "goddamn irresponsible," Slater puts blame on Pelletier for no Glendon Bi&Bi grants. Production Manager: Rob Carson Production Staff: Gail Wylie, Marshall Leslie Circulation Manager: Sarah Francis Business Manager: Barry Msith Advertising Manager: Val Vrent Sports Editor: Nick Martin Entertainment Editor: Elizabeth Cowan Photo Editor: Nigel Ottley Editor-in-Chief: Andy Michalski Slater puts blame on Pelletier for no Glendon bi & bi grants Lang stops 'undesirables' Council readies for food beefs by Deborah Wolfe Faculty council establishes new committee by Bob Ward Fire starts at Hilliard St. Luke's holds teach-in C'mon again Slater Ashes and diamonds - Pour un monde Frisbee credit denied The Miller's Tale - How to lick French orals by Jim Miller The role of the Canadian press in the past Quebec events compiled by staff of the Last Post How DRAPEAUCrACY runs Montreal politics The Knack proves entertaining by Paul Scott WUSA warns of fascist plot by Nick Martin Baudot controls by Ken Hull Batiks jump by Elaine Freedman ON CAMPUS by Ann Crutchley Gophers plunder Osgoode debarred Revolting astronauts Weekend orgy in January by Nick Martin





