Issue #15 - January 13, 197


  • Andy Michalski


Special Issue: The Glendon Beaver. Jan. 13, 1971. 12 pgs. The Glendon Beaver - Satire on faculty, by P-T staff. Don advises E men to raid by Andrew Michaels GSS opens case of stolen bedding by Paul Jones Wood basement flooded by Marshall Leslie LLL holds mammoth bakesale by Sally Beth Social notes around our fair college by Robert Sword The scandulous (cont) Mr. M. Fichman not large by James Daw Glendon Roundup Glendon Dialogue by Elaine Freedman Poet's Korner This week's recipe from Aunt Biz by Biz Lily Letters to the editor Why no chapel here? Do we need it? The Glendon Beaver The Miller's Tale - Announcing Hot-Lips Gannon by Jim Miller Sweeping stles stun Glendon College by John Riley Duke cleans up another town west of Dodge by Nicholas Martin New York phone booth hits sale stands by Claire Ellard Ye Olde Dining Hall popular Many bulls shot! Go-nads go limp! Living dead coming! Sophs shatter GHL record! by Nick Martin





